Welcome to St John's Church, Belmont

Our clergy
Reverend Bethany Lewis, vicar and Methodist minister.
About us
St John’s is a joint Church of England and Methodist Church, and is the parish church for Belmont in the London Borough of Sutton.
With a church roll of over 90, and a regular worshipping congregation of around 50 each week, St John’s is a friendly church which seeks to welcome all.
​​Our Sunday Club
meets monthly at church at 9.30am on Sundays for crafts, stories and songs. Join our next session.
We meet every Wednesday during term-time
9.30am to 11.00am (doors open 8.45am)
St John's Community Hall (next to church)
Bring your babies and toddlers along to enjoy a variety of toys, craft table,
song time, refreshments.
£1.50 per family.
Click here for details of the Church of England Online Church.
Online worship resources from the Methodist Church are available here.

Contact us
Church Office, St John's Church
Northdown Road
Belmont, Sutton
Surrey SM2 6DY
020 8643 4656
Reverend Beth Lewis
​Registered charity 1144611
Modern slavery is a crime. Report suspicions to the police but do not try to intervene yourself - you may put yourself and others in danger.
If someone is in immediate danger call 999. To report non-emergency suspicious activity call the local police on 101.
For advice or support call the Modern Slavery and Exploitation helpline: 0800 0121 700.
For more information on the signs of modern slavery visit www.theclewerinitiative.org.